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Economic life in a sentence

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Sentence count:57+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-08-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: microeconomicseconomiceconomicseconomic recoveryeconomicaleconomicallyeconomic conditioneconomic cost
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1, Economic life moves in cycles of peaks and troughs.
2, in its are effective the amortize inside economic life, the amortize that our country sets period do not exceed 10 years.
3, Papyri are less informative about economic life in Alexandria.
4, Poverty and insecurity thus became inherent in the economic life of even the most favored country.
5, All of our economic life is to be decided by an unelected, unaccountable single central bank.
6, In economic life, in spite of a long series of efforts, little was achieved.
7, The need is to consider the economic life cycle of each alternative in order to determine the optimal replacement.
8, The second major event to shape economic life in this country was the depression of the twenties and the thirties.
9, Business and economic life were profoundly disorganized.
10, It is playing an important role in the economic life and social economics, which contributes lots to the development of the enterprise and public organization.
11, Along with our country's market economic development, in economic life floating charge is not lack of practice, but has not clear and definite legal provision.
12, Give delay charge to ought to be in its are effective the amortize inside economic life, the amortize that our country sets period do not exceed 10 years.
13, The most noticeable feature of the past few decades however, has been the increasing instability of economic life.
14, At no time did the abbey relinquish to these groups any of its tight control over economic life.
15, It is nothing less than the crisis of humanism as a religion being played out in economic life.
16, What is of relatively recent origin, however, is the creation of bureaucracies equipped with legal sanctions to regulate economic life.
17, Nothing is more completely accepted in the conventional wisdom than the cliche that economic life is endlessly and inherently uncertain.
18, Perhaps he did, but he also had to face the fact that all economic life was a mortal struggle.
19, We as a union knew that our primary job was to protect the worker and improve his economic life.
20, Seventh, accountability and judgment are an integral part of economic life.
21, And it did this because it demonstrated that they were among the most fervent believers in the primacy of economic life.
22, Depreciation is to be based on the shorter of the lease term and useful economic life.
23, This would be possible were it merely a matter of invention or were the hazards of modern economic life increasing.
24, In so doing,( life.html) it gave them system and continuity and went far to make economic life comprehensible.
25, Definite and energetic steps must be taken in other directions to restore the balance of our national economic life ....
26, By 1958 Albania stood with China in opposing Moscow on issues of peaceful coexistence, de-Stalinization, and Yugoslavia's "separate road to socialism" through decentralization of economic life.
27, Amongst the various types of movable property the increasing value increasing, and thus movable in the social and economic life in the increasingly important role.
28, With the development of economy, the retention of ownership, which is widely adopted in installment selling, plays a significant role in our economic life.
29, The output curve of a product is generally S-shape curve during its economic life period.
30, The third chapter: The influence of rural land expropriation to local residents " economic life. "
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